Stacks and Queues

1 minute read


Is an array-like data structure whose elements follow
Last In First Out principle (LIFO). It’s really easy to visualize because we faced which such structures on a daily basis, you can compare it to a plates in a sink, the last that was put in the sink is first that would be washed.

The following are a stack’s standard operations and their corresponding complexities:

  • Pushing an element onto the stack: O(1)
  • Popping an element onto the stack: O(1)
  • Peeking at the element on the top of the stack: O(1)
  • Searching for an element in the stack: O(n)

A stack is typically based on dynamic array or with a single linked list.


Is an array-like data structure whose elements follow
First In First Out principle (FIFO).

A queues in the other hand may be compared to a group of people standing in line to purchase a ticket - the first person to get in the line is the first one to purchase ticket and to get out of the queue.

The following are a queue’s standard operations and their corresponding complexities:

  • Enqueuing an element into the queue: O(1)
  • Dequeueing an element out of the queue: O(1)
  • Peeking at the element at the front of the queue: O(1)
  • Searching for an element in the queue: O(n)

A queue is typically implemented with a doubly linked list.
