Request-Response vs Publish-Subscribe Architecture
Request-Response Architecture Request-Response is a foundational communication pattern primarily utilized in client-server architectures. In this model, a cl...
Request-Response Architecture Request-Response is a foundational communication pattern primarily utilized in client-server architectures. In this model, a cl...
There exist two major methodologies when it comes to unit testing. These methodologies guide how much to use mocks, stubs, and the special test implementatio...
Rate limiting is a pivotal technique employed to manage and control the number of incoming and outgoing requests interacting with a system. Not only does it ...
Software testing is an integral part of the development process. Each type of testing has its specific purpose and helps ensure the highest quality of the fi...
Many teams face a common challenge after introducing the practice of writing tests: builds take up to half an hour, refactoring tests prove to be difficult, ...
In computing systems, the interaction between clients and servers is fundamental. This interaction often revolves around the client sending requests, and the...
Software testing is a fundamental aspect of any successful software development project. It is the process of examining a system or system component to deter...
The Importance of Software Testing in Business
Introduction to Peer-To-Peer Networks
In most societies, citizens elect their leaders through a voting system. Similarly, in a distributed system, servers utilize a set of algorithms to select a ...
The performance of a system often depends on the efficiency of its database. By optimizing the database, the system’s performance can be significantly improv...
In addition to widely known SQL and NoSQL databases, such as document or key-value stores, there are specialized storage paradigms that are well-suited for s...
SQL vs NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Difference and When to Choose Each
Execution Control and Memory Visibility
System design is a part of the system development process, focusing on the creation of a comprehensive blueprint for a system to satisfy specified requiremen...
Hashing is a process that transforms an arbitrary piece of data into a fixed-size value, typically an integer. In the context of system design, this arbitrar...
A load balancer can be better understood through a simple use case. Consider a basic client-server architecture where a client sends requests to a server, wh...
Commonly utilized by malicious hackers to mask their identity and disguise their location, these distinct proxy servers also serve a variety of essential rea...
Caching is utilized to speed up a system and reduce or improve the latency of that system.
What is availability?
Latency and throughput are the two most important measures of the performance of a system.
What a protocol is?
Java Memory Models
The software community has been engaged in a longstanding debate over how to define “architecture.” Some believe it refers to the underlying structure of a s...
Let me answer that question right away, Java is ALWAYS pass by value.
What is CAP theorem?
The Facade design pattern is a structural pattern that allows for hiding the complexity of a subsystem by providing a simple interface to it. The interface ...
Prefer Composition over Inheritance
Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
What does mean object-oriented programming?
Those two concepts are often misunderstood or used interchangeably, where they are completely different concepts.
In object-oriented paradigm, Coupling refers to the degree of direct knowledge that one element has of another. We may generally divide coupling to tight and...
Depth First Search [DFS]
In an object-oriented language like Java, what could be wrong with constructors? Overall, nothing. Even so, the famous Joshua Block’s Effective Java Item 1 c...
The Aggregate is one of the main pattern in Domain Driven Design (DDD) introduced by Martin Fowler.
a data structure that is constructed with nodes, where each has some value and may point to child-nodes, which recursively form subtrees in the tree.
Graph is a collection of nodes that may or may not be connected to each other.
A data structure that store data in key-value pairs and provides fast insertion, deletion and searching.
Is very similar to array, at least conceptually, to an array.
There are two types of arrays. Static and dynamic ones.
It’s mathematical concept which is very often used in Computer Science in context of algorithms complexity, it’s even sounds similar 😀
The Big O Notation is a mathematical, asymptotic notation that describes time complexity and space complexity of algorithms/ function when the argument tends...
Key Terms
Data structures can be seen as instrumental tools used to address a wide array of problems. They frequently encompass complex and mathematical concepts and c...
It’s a process in which we determine how efficient an algorithm is. There are multiple ways to solve the same issue but the complexity analysis will likely d...
Refactoring in a Business Context
DeMorgan’s Laws
Builder is a creational design pattern that lets you construct complex objects step by step. The pattern allows you to produce different types and representa...
Equals() method
What is Spring Cache? How to configure it in your project and how to use it? How does Spring Cache work? How to add an external provider that allows flexible...
The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, known as observers, and notifie...
Bean Scopes Define the Runtime Context Availability
You might have encountered tests that are difficult to read, especially when the failure messages are unclear. In such cases, consider creating your own spec...
Understanding and Implementing the Strategy Design Pattern
SOLID is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles by Robert C. Martin (also known as Uncle Bob).
Do I really need tests? Isn’t it a waste of time? These are questions you might have asked once or still find yourself asking. However, the answer is that te...